

Restoration Burundi (RESTOBU in acronym) is a Christian organization founded in 2014 by groups of young Christians from different local denominations committed to education for the peaceful resolution of repetitive conflicts and the strengthening of the integrated well-being of society Burundian.

RESTOBU is now running the Peace Clubs in Schools project. Under the support of Great Lakes Outreach, GLO UK, 7 peace clubs called "Clubs Mon Pays Burundi" (Burundi my beloved nation) were created in the 6 schools of excellence. Schools of excellence are very strategic for Restobu as these schools bring together the most talented students from different provinces and municipalities and from different ethnic groups.

The lessons learned from the crises that Burundi has known since gaining independence have shown us that all the political manipulators who have destabilized the country have always exploited the youth who at the same time become victims. From there, RESTOBU wants to change the wave by transforming the manipulator into a challenger, by creating peace clubs as a platform for exchange, for transmitting the ideal values of peace as the excellent means to positively influence society for a better future.

*Future prospects:

    1. Continue to support the peace clubs in their peace initiatives in their communities,
    2. Support students who finish their studies so that they light the candle of peace in universities (Mentorship and Coaching),
    3. Create and support the 6 peace clubs in schools of excellence in border provinces with neighboring countries of Burundi, to facilitate the reintegration of repatriated students with the objective of teaching them peaceful resolution of conflicts, traumahealing and citizenship responsible,
    4. Build the capacities of peace club trainers (Peacebuilding, coaching, mentorship and advocacy)

RESTOBU contributes to the implementation of exchange strategies on major problems of young leaders of political parties with the aim of instilling in youth the spirit of learning to live together and promote human rights, inclusion and non-discrimination among all members of the Burundian community through our patriotic and development cells approach. (Peace club movement in schools and in the community)

Intercultural skills are not innate. They are acquired through education and experience. Reason why it is crucially important to be involved in the access to quality educational resources, both formal and informal, in order to impart attitudes of responsible citizenship and values of peace and justice in students and to develop in them a spirit of positive innovation, creativity and competition.

Furthermore, taking into account that sports ignores geographical borders and social barriers, RESTOBU encourages the development and practice of sports activities and participates actively in the fight against all social exclusion, with the aim of strengthening social integration in different cultural and political contexts.

Restoration Burundi,Coordination nationale, sis à Bujumbura,Commune Muha,Zone Musaga,Quartier Kinanira II, 1ère Avenue,
Parcelle Numéro 2(Maison de LLB)


Téléphone:  0025779550707--0025761014947