restorationburundi|succes story

Success story

Jonas is a student member of the peace club my country Burundi. After learning about environmental protection at the club, he decided to put what he learned into practice. In his village, Jonas was struck by the problem of the lack of toilets which led people to practice open defecation. However, defecating in the forest or rivers has devastating consequences as the waterways become polluted with feces as the people and livestock of one's village often use water from local rivers and streams. After seeing how open defecation endangers human lives in his village, he decided to build a public toilet. Due to his limited means, he asked his parents to help him find roofing sheets and cement. "I have done my best to make the toilet attractive so that those who pass by or live nearby can use it freely and stop defecating in rivers and forests." Restoration Burundi is optimistic. Investing in youth will lead to having a future generation of transformed people.

Restoration Burundi,Coordination nationale, sis à Bujumbura,Commune Muha,Zone Musaga,Quartier Kinanira II, 1ère Avenue,
Parcelle Numéro 2(Maison de LLB)


Téléphone:  0025779550707--0025761014947